How to Reinvigorate Your Job Search

The hiring process at many companies sucks isn't great. Anyone looking for a job right now has a handful of "they did WHAT?" stories that are perfect for TikTok.

According to a Wall Street Journal article, "Employers are slow-walking candidates, piling on new requirements ranging from years of experience to higher scores on technical tests, to running prospective hires through additional rounds of interviews."

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Alison Bricker
How to Become More Fully Present

Covid interrupted my routine, including cancelling the first trip of the new year that I was very excited about. The emotional hit from the interruption was actually more severe than the physical hit. After multiple days of feeling under the weather I quickly become unregulated, ungrounded, and NOT in flow. In short, it was tough to be fully present for any extended period of time. That ferocious optimism? It was replaced with an intense feeling of overwhelm.

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Ben Kiker
Three Intentions for 2024

Do you remember 2022's Words of the Year? Merriam Webster selected gaslighting, and Oxford University Press chose goblin mode. I had to refresh my memory on goblin mode, too. It's slang for "unapologetically self-indulgent, lazy, slovenly, or greedy behavior." Neither goblin mode or gaslighting were positive or aspirational!

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Alison Bricker
What's Your 'Go To' Intervention for Self Criticism

Last month Rick and I celebrated our anniversary with a trip to Kauai. One evening he stepped out onto the lanai in our hotel room and asked, "Are you ready to head downstairs for our anniversary dinner?" Unfortunately I wasn't quite ready as I had fallen into the trance of self-criticism. What's worse, it was the kind of self-criticism that generated shame.

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Alison Bricker
The Superpower of Curiosity

Curiosity is a strength we're born with. The world is new to us! We want to understand it, so we test the waters, question, experiment and learn. But it can easily take a backseat as we get older. That’s unfortunate, because curiosity is a great tool to help us come back into the present moment—where we can view a situation from multiple angles and perspectives, putting us in position to make more optimal decisions.

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Ben Kiker
Three Questions to Increase Trust

I recently completed a breakthrough offsite for a client whose leadership philosophy includes "trust, transparency, open communication, and collaboration." There's a good chance those four attributes appear in your organization's philosophy, too.

Here's my question: if you picked one of those four attributes to focus on upleveling, which one would you choose?

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Ben Kiker
Leading Teams Through Chaos

If you are:

  • Seeking practices and inspiration to lead during this time of constant change

  • Wrestling with a tough decision that will have a major impact on your team

  • Wanting to focus everyone on ending the year with momentum

I have an awesome podcast to add to your queue!

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Ben Kiker
You Never Know

Did you know that in addition to 1:1 executive coaching and Breakthrough Offsites, I also provide recovery coaching? It's a specialized form of coaching designed for people rearchitecting their life after hitting the wall due to addiction. Because of that coaching -- and openly sharing about my own recovery journey -- I often hear from friends, colleagues, and clients when they're concerned about someone in their life. As you might imagine, those calls are usually a mix of frustration and fear with a big amount of hopelessness.

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Alison Bricker