Podcast: Stopping By Time4Coffee

Last month I had the opportunity to jam with Andrea Koppel on her hit podcast, Time4Coffee. Andrea has a passion for interviewing experts in health, wellness, and self-care because, as she notes,

“What good is it to find a job you love if your physical and/or mental health sucks?”

Time4Coffee also helps college students, grad students, and young professionals still looking for the right job — in the right career — navigate a rapidly changing global job marketplace.

Her guests have included leaders from Flywheel, Goldman Sachs, Honest Tea, Houston Astros, LinkedIn, Stanford University along with NPR’s Guy Raz, Dr. Janet Yellen, Betsy West (co-director of the film RBG), Dr. Arthur Brooks, and more. Our conversation began with Andrea noting,

“This topic is so important, and I haven’t yet done an interview with someone like you.”

That topic—substance abuse, addiction, and recovery—quickly turned into a ‘meaty’ conversation around emotional sobriety, and how we can experience greater satisfaction and joy in all aspects of our lives by learning to let go of what no longer serves us. We jammed on:

  • Techniques for returning to a grounded, regulated, and in the flow state.

  • Sitting with uncomfortable thoughts and feelings.

  • The two things we truly control: our actions and our attitude.

For me, the magical moment was when Andrea said, “I wasn’t sure before we started this interview just how open and honest I wanted to be in this conversation, but I’m about to share more about myself.” Andrea then shared her moment of clarity and path to recovery with me and her listeners. I’ve spoken about the importance of moments of clarity to transformational change, and hearing Andrea share hers was incredibly meaningful for me.

Our full interview on Addiction, Substance Abuse and Recovery is 35 minutes. If you’re short on time, Andrea does something super cool with her podcasts. In keeping with the coffee theme, she has short “K-cup” mini-episodes. Andrea just posted three K-Cup episodes with segments from our full conversation:

Professionals Who Are Weekend Warriors

Why I Used Alcohol to Sooth My Anxiety

What It’s Like to Party Sober

Carl Jung remarked, “The privilege of a lifetime is to become who you truly are.” Wherever you are on that journey, I hope my conversation with Andrea is helpful for you.

As always, thanks for stopping by! We hope you found this helpful, and I’d love to hear from you! You can email me at ben@thebenkikergroup.com, or connect with me via Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn.


Ben Kiker