Podcast: My 9-1-1 Moment with Performance Coach Ben Kiker

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to work with a coach?

Have you ever wondered what it’s like to work with me as a coach?

If you’ve ever asked either of those questions, I have a podcast for you: “My 9-1-1 Moment with Performance Coach Ben Kiker” on the 20 Minutes with Bronwyn podcast.

Late last year I appeared on Bronwyn’s podcast in an episode titled “Let Go or Be Dragged: Ben Kiker Sets Me Straight.” Several months later I received an email from Bronwyn titled, “Help. Like Seriously.” Bronwyn went on to say in that email, “I’m overwhelmed, and I can’t stop beating myself up.”

If you can relate to Bronwyn’s comment, you’re in good company! The majority of people who reach out to me for help share something similar. Like Bronwyn, they are high-performing and wired to GSD—yet despite that wiring they can still feel overwhelmed. In Bronwyn’s case, that feeling came from wanting to scale and expand her already thriving business. She recognized being overwhelmed was creating a barrier she needed to overcome. Bronwyn hired me as her coach, and together we built a plan to get into action—and resiliency to stay in action.

And a very cool thing happened…

Bronwyn asked me back on the show to talk about her experience working with me. She wanted to expose her process of getting help in case her listeners wanted to do the same. As she says in the intro,

“People don’t get help because they’re afraid of showing their underpinnings. I thought, fuck it. I’m just going to show my underpinnings. I’m going to get help.”

One morning I stopped by her home for a conversation about those underpinnings—and what we did together to help her make the next big jump. Now, that conversation is available—and you can listen to it, too!

Shortly after the episode aired one of Bronwyn’s listeners shared the podcast on Instagram with the following comment,

Listen to this podcast. It’s like my three years of grad school + ten years of spiritual work + 18 years of therapy all rolled into one hour. What a gift.”

That comment was a gift—one that I’m incredibly grateful for. I’m also grateful to all those who influence the work I do. In addition to several folks I reference on the podcast, I want to give a special shout out to Joni Lavick. Joni is an incredibly talented therapist, coach, and collaborator who introduced me to an important concept—expansion and contraction—you’ll learn about in the podcast. Finally, I’m grateful to Bronwyn for recording something she describes in the introduction as “so private and so personal.”

I hope our conversation inspires you to take action. And if you need help formulating a plan to get over your wall, please call me! I’d love to jam with you on realizing your next big jump.

As always, thanks for stopping by! I hope you found this helpful, and I’d love to hear from you! You can email me at ben@thebenkikergroup.com, or connect with me via Instagram, Twitter or LinkedIn. 

Thanks also to Danielle MacInnes on Unsplash for the photo used in this blog!

Ben Kiker